Tuesday, March 16

AWOL: Sorry!

Gosh, I didn't mean to be AWOL for so long!

I accomplished a lot in February and the days rushed into March so fast I can't believe it's already mid-month. I finished my YA novel, Watching the Violets, and sent it to the agent who requested it. I've been hard at work on rewrites and on my other blog, Forethought and Purpose. Forethought and Purpose, if you feel inclined to visit, is all about the hopes and dreams and fears and frustrations of my life as a writer, as well as writing in general. If you're interested in that sort of thing, please feel free to follow me there as well. You can also find me on Twitter and Facebook.

While I've been away my followers jumped to 102-wow! Thank you! And thank you, as always, for your friendship and emails.

As I drop back into being more of an active presence here, I've decided to answer the ten questions I'm asked most frequently. I'll answer five today, and five later in the week:

When is your next cook book coming out?

I had hoped to get it finished and ready for publication by the end of last year. That didn't happen. The production of What Are You Thinking? took a slight detour and changes were made. The book was originally scheduled to be out in time for Christmas. I ended up spending several weeks on new/additional illustrations for the book--that took up the time I'd planned to spend on the cookbook. Now, sorry to say, I'm not going to have time to work on it again until later this year. Thanks for asking! I'll keep you posted.

When is What Are You Thinking? coming out?

As I said above, the production of the book took a detour, but it's for the better. Valerie decided to add more pages and change a few things and the book is much stronger because of her wonderful ideas. What Are You Thinking? is now in production in China. I'll let you know as soon as I have word on when it will be released.

Do you still have your Huskies?

Yes, I do. They're just starting spring training. Hope I can keep up!

What is your YA novel about?

Watching the Violets is the story of Shelby Harver and her struggle to make sense of the world into which she was thrust. That's all I can say for now. More to come . . . I have started making notes for a sequel, The Lemonade Stand, which will tell more about Shelby's sister and niece.

What are you working on now?

I spent the first of the month on articles and essays for the magazines I write for. Now I'm starting another YA novel called Fly. More about that on Forethought and Purpose.

Again, sorry I've been away so long. Thanks for your patience!


Angie said...

Welcome back. (I've been on your other blog, though, so it didn't feel like you were gone. ;)) Can't wait to see your books!

Lori said...

Thanks, Angie!

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