I'm honored to have received the "One Lovely Blog Award" from super sweet Camryn Hartle of Mean Mommy University.
Thanks, Camryn!
I will display the award with pride in my sidebar, as well as (a printed version) on the side of my computer screen. In keeping with the rules I've been asked to pass on the love and bestow the award to 15 of my favorite blogs. Easier said than done. In no particular order, here they are:
The Beginning of Motherhood
NICU nurse Rachel Leavitt explores the journey of giving birth with an online art and photography exhibit. Last year I was excited to have her include one of the photos I took of my granddaughter, Abbie. Rachel's also got an essay contest coming up (check it out--she's offering a $100 prize), and I enjoy her posts over on CraziBeautifulWomen.com.
Turn Your Thumb Green
Need a garden coach? Want you Houttuynia to grow and flourish? Brilliant Tersa Crawford provides tips on how to get your yard and garden to look their blooming best. She hosts a bevy of horticultural links, and she loves to answer gardening questions. Tersa also blogs at CBW.
The Chocolate Chip Waffle
I'm a recent fan of this blog. I love Terresa's wit and wisdom.
Wisdom Teeth and Everyday Curiosities
Whether you're there for a simple cleaning, or a wisdom tooth extraction, hang on for a root awakening. My oldest daughter just started this new blog. I'm excited to read about her day-to-day family life, and her work in a dental office.
Queen of the Clan
I just discovered this blog as well. Danyelle's enthusiasm for life and writing is contagious. I love this happy little bright spot on the net!
A Future for Tomorrow
Author Haley Hatch Freeman blogs about self-esteem and eating disorders. Haley is an anorexia survivor who has written a powerful book that takes a hard look at the disorder, and which celebrates the fact it can be overcome. The story of Haley's spiritual journey is a must read for anyone with teenage girls.
Kevin & Amanda
This blog is a delightful romp through life with lots of wonderful recipes, crafts, gardening tidbits, and home decor ideas, tossed together with helpful digital scrap booking stuff and blog design tutorials.
Pink Ink
Follow beautiful multi-talented Jewel as she talks about her life and writing. Though she's not afraid of spiders--and I am--I thoroughly enjoy her insightful posts.
Tristi Pinkston
The author of a just released novel, Agent in Old Lace, Tristi puts a smile on my face with her tales of the writing life. Check out her blog for a pictorial essay on the arrival of her new baby (book), and for a side-splitting guest post on Tedward and Stella by guest blogger Spencer McKay.
Not Entirely British
Author Anne Bradshaw's blog is always entertaining and informative. Find some of your favorite authors here and win their books.
Whew! That was only ten. I'll post the next five more later in the week. If you have a blog you'd like me to visit, please leave a comment or drop me an email.
Thank you so much for this blog award! You are so sweet. I'm glad you like my blog! Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the award:) What a cute idea! Rachel
Thanks, Lori!! You just made my day :-)
Thanks Lori!! This is probably bad timing, but I changed the blog address to match my blog name! It's been bothering me for a while and I ran into a way to change it:
Thanks mom! Thanks for the help and inspiration!
Danyelle: I really do look forward to your blog everyday.
You're welcome, Rachel!
Jewel, you're wonderful! Keep up the good work.
No problem, Tersa. I changed the link.
Thank you, Garrin. YOU are my inspiration. I look forward to reading your posts.
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