Thursday, February 11

Taking the BFF Challenge

I'm still here. I'm just not doing much in the way of reading blogs or posting.

When I heard about BFF--the Blog Free February Challenge--I decided I was going to take it. Blog Free February was proposed as a way for those who wanted to spend more time writing, reading, or painting to get the creative juices flowing again post-winter/holidays.

The loose ends I needed to tie up on an important manuscript were hanging over my head so I decided to take the plunge.

I miss you all. I love the emails you've sent, asking how I am. Thank you. They mean the world.

I'll be back. In March.


Mallorie said...

I thought that BFF meant "Best Friends Forever!" : D You are awesome Mom! I am excited for your manuscript to come out, you have been working so hard on it! Love you!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Oh, sounds wonderful! Was it announced in FB?? I wish I'd heard of it. *sigh....
Oh well...
I've given you the Sunshine Award!
Hope you enjoyed BFF!

Lori said...

Thanks, Mal. I'm excited! Love you.

Lori said...

Wow, Elizabeth--thank you! I thought I'd get back to this blog on March 1, but I'm a little late! I enjoyed BFF--it was proposed by another author. I got my manuscript finished and sent.

Thank you, thank you for the award. Coming from you, Elizabeth, it means so much. You're the best!

Kristi said...

Hmmm...that explains ALOT. I didn't get the BFF memo but I've been noticing quite a few bloggers have been MIA. Drat!

I may have to have a BFM although it doesn't quite have the same ring!

Congrats on your progress!

Lori said...

Thank you, Kristi, and thank you for visiting. My blog free month helped be catch up on a lot of things, but I've missed blogging here so much I don't think I'll take another break (at least a long one) for awhile. Have a great day!

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